How many chicks do you have?

well...let me count....

24 broilers (cornish x)
3 BR
3 Columbian Wyandottes
3 Buff Brahmas
4 Light Brahmas
12 (ish) Bantam Cochins (white, columbian, buff barred)...still hatching under a broody, so maybe more in the end.
oh yeah...5 broad breaste white turkey poults too...LOL

I guess in the overall scheme of things...not too many. Figure the broilers and turkeys will be gone after fair...along with 6 layers (3 rir, 3 buckeyes) so after its all said and done we will be down to 6 Buff Orps, and the affore mentioned layer chicks to grow out.
6, all 4 weeks old.

2 Barred Plymouth Rock
2 Silver-Laced Wyandotte
2 Speckled Sussex
3 in my little flock.
There's an updated total... *ahem*

- The Gang of Fourteen, apparently all pullets, who will be six weeks old Monday...

- The yet-to-be-hatched Magnificent Seven, again billed as all pullets, due to arrive here via USPS Express Mail on June 28th from Meyer...

- AND, making their debut in beautiful, rural East Nassau this weekend will be the Terrific Three, straight-run Speckled Sussex chicks hatched on Flag Day by BYC's own happyhensny. It was the cuteness. I couldn't resist the cuteness.

So, my new grand total is twenty-four. Chicken Math, baby. Chicken Math.

I was out in the as-yet-uninhabited coop this evening with DH, informing him that the "shed" side was probably going to end up a home for a couple of pygmy goats before the year is out, as the lawn tractor is perfectly happy in the garage or the utility shed. He just shrugged and said, "well, guess I'll just have to build more sheds so you can turn those into coops too." The man understands me after twenty-two years.
I have two roosters. Are they necessary? No, I have them just because....and i have hatched my own babies successfully. Ricky is the Buff Orpington, head rooster, Kenny is the second in command and he is Americana. Ricky watches over 15 hens and 4 babies as they pasture feed. Kenny follows the flock and if there is sign of a danger...Ricky Squeals and Kenny begins a strut. Very interesting to watch. I saw a hawk fly over and the warnings went out by the roosters and the hens froze, when all was clear...Ricky crowed and began moving about and the ladies followed. Kenny brought up the rear. Sometimes the hens take cover when Ricky's squeal is persistent.
23!! 3 Orpingtons, 3 EE, 2 Australorps, 3 Silkies, 3 Cochins, 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 3 Red Stars- all 4 weeks, living in my garage!!
I have only 8 and my hubby says I have an addiction.
I'm actually planning on breeding my beautiful frizzle cochin with the neighbors rooster and keeping the couple babies I hatch.
I have room for a few more.
I thought I was the only one - 22 in the sun porch - wonder if I will ever get it clean again!

6 Barred Plymouth Rocks
6 Rhode Island Reds
5 Americaunas
1 Black crested Polish
1 Wheat Polish
1 Golden Polish
1 White Polish - not sure what she will turn out to be
1 Silver laced Polish

All approx 5.5 weeks and past coop-ready! But, the coop will be finished, at least for indoor habitation, this Wednesday!

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