How many chicks if I get straight run?

Not a problem supporting a local breeder. But you need a local breeder who can work with your needs. You cannot have roosters. Plain and simple, you need sexed chicks. At 8 weeks, most breeds can be sexed. The problem is on the breeder'e end. If they cannot provide you with pullets, seek a different breeder, plain and simple.

I haven't been able to find many breeders in Utah, but I don't really know where to look.

I know every state thread isn't as active as the Washington state thread, but I'd try going to the Utah thread. The people there may know of local breeders or even have chicks they can sell you.
Why don't you go halfway and buy 3-week old chicks? Pick out the ones with the smallest combs and you should be safe. That's what I'd do in your position. I might even push it to two weeks, but it's harder to tell the difference then.
I personally dont trust "Straight Run" hatches from large hatcheries. Point being is most people want pullets not cockerels. If they are pulling chicks to fill orders for pullets that means there will be an abundance of cockerels to do something with. If they are running short on numbers, might they mix some or all of these cockerels back in the Straight Run mix , that would seriously change natures mix ratio and reduce the odds of getting pullets.

I know of a person that got 30 SR chicks from a well known hatchery and ended up with 24 of them being cockerels.
after that i checked them out on one of the consumer complaint boards and sure enough there were several complaints of the same nature.

Suspicious? Yes
Could it be proven? Doubtful

So I always order sexed chicks and specify what i want
Get 10 and rehome any roosters. I know they say 50/50 but there is always a chanced you might get 60/40, and if four is your max, get at least 10 to start out with. If you get more, it will be easier to rehome any of the boys as a pair with any extra girls you get over 4.

Hope this makes sense.. It's early and I haven't had my coffee yet
Woo, you sure like to pay top dollar for chicks and shipping, huh?
I was not going to pay any shipping, I was going to get from a local breeder. I didn't want to take the risk of roosters though, so I got chicks at the feed store that were pullets only.
Way 2 go. Wife and I were just at Tractor Supply yesterday looking at what they had to offer. ****, cute little suckers but about 9 days younger than what we have in the brooder right now. And for-sure chicken snacks for the old birds. :)
Straight run birds are an "as hatched" mix of males and females. Therefore, if you were to order eight straight run birds, for example, you will get between zero and eight roosters and between zero and eight hens--there is no way to tell. Generally the hatching ratio averages out to be a 50-50 mix, but you are more likely to hit the average if you have ordered large numbers.

I don't know how old this thread is so sorry to all of you guys. Anyway, to OregenChickenGal, you shouldn't post that without giving credit to MyPetChicken. It's considered plagiarism when you don't. Nothing too serious but try and give credit next time, the whole article would have been more helpful to the original poster.

Here is the original link to the page if you guys are interested:

Anyway, this thread was helpful to me still. :D

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