How many chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
I was wondering, is there a big difference between ordering/shipping three and five chicks?

Last year in one of my high school's agricultural classes, each student raised two hens. I decided to bring mine home instead of letting the local farmers take 'em, since one of mine is more of a meat hen than a laying hen.
So this year I'm getting some baby chicks so I can get the total headcount a little higher than two...The coop is too roomy and spacious for just two. It was built with space for ten.
I already have their brood cage all set up with the lamp and everything (remember, I've done this before). It's sitting in my room and I already made sure that the lamp is the appropriate height and gives off the correct temperature (95-100°F) on the side that it's on.

So would it be better to get three, or five chicks? Does it really make that much of a difference? If I order only three, would they be more stressed out than if there were five?
I mean, I don't really think I need five right this second. I was thinking maybe if I did three now and see how I do, I could get three or four more later on if I really do want more.
But I could do five if it would be better for the chicks.

How many do you think I should get?
Any replies are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If you are going to have them shipped, I would be inclined to go with five chicks, even if they have a heat pack it doesn't last the whole trip and five will keep each other warmer. Shipping is hard on chicks and you may lose one, and if you lose two you are down to one chick. Also, unless you are getting sex links, you have the chance of a possible rooster. You could always get three you really want and extras that you plan on selling, something like sex links or other good layers usually sell easily this time of year. Or, post on your state thread and see if someone wants to split an order with you....
and Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC!

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