how many eggs can a game fowl chicken incubate??

Will she be sitting on bantam or standard eggs?
I suppose the easiest answer would be: as many as she can cover. For my hens, I take a dozen marked eggs to them and pop them in the nest one at a time until they've got as many as they can take without any sticking out anywhere.
I know that's not a set number, which is what you were probably hoping for. Some of my hens can handle more eggs than others. And, even within the same breed, they're different sizes. So...
Good luck :)
I had a small game hen hatch 21 out of 25 eggs she was setting on. They were poking out all around her. Have no idea how she did it.
Or maybe it was 18. I can't remember. It was more than 16 though. She had gone off and made a nest and I guess some of the other hens layed in it too.

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