How many eggs can you practically hatch in a 1588 or other styro incubator?


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
Gumboro, Delaware
I have a question I would like some opinons on.

A GQF 1588 and other styro incubators for the most part hold 41 eggs in the turner.

When it is time to stop turning on the 18th day and go to the hatch stage.......considering you are not going to open the incubator for all practical purposes for 3 days while all the eggs hatch so as not to risk shrink wrapping a pipped many eggs can you lay inside the unit for hatching?

The reason for my question is I usually split them in half and put 20 in one and 20 in another. Problem is I have 3 1588's with two being full at 82 for incubation and only one spare, if you can see my problem here.

Thanks in advance for any and all opinions.

Happy Easter by the way!!!

What I have is 82 eggs total. I was just not sure with all the egg shells being in there with them if you could in fact put 41 eggs in a hatcher. One batch is 4 days behind the other which is a problem. I was just NOT thinking,
I've done 36 eggs in the hatcher and there was plenty of room. I used egg cartons to hatch in and set them up around the edges of the incubator. The egg shells mostly stay in the cartons and the chicks have all the empty floor space in the middle. As the chicks get more active they climb all over the egg cartons with the eggs but that's okay.

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