How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

15 today
WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO "EGGSCITED!"... Forgive me for my extreme enthusiasm. I am still new to all this!

We have been expecting one of our rescued 3 "Gringos" to begin laying eggs (they are 18 - 19 wk. old siblings). Up until the last couple of weeks or so, we have been unclear as to what their sexes are. Two are much bigger, with darker combs & wattles... so we thought they might be roosters. No one has crowed... but those two sort of "kwok"... (not cluck), the third smaller one has lighter colored wattles/comb and a softer, prettier sounding, higher "chirp." It is just in the last week that I have come to believe that all three are probably hens.

Well... two days ago when I went to clean out from under their roosting place, along with their poop, I found what appeared to be an egg yolk with white, but no shell. Nothing was found yesterday, but this morning, my husband awoke me with a "hurry and get up! One of the gringos has laid an egg on the driveway!

One of our hens laid her FIRST egg today! It was very soft shelled, so we couldn't keep it... but later in the day, some"one" else laid one too!!!
Maybe they're ALL senoritas!
I had actually prayed months ago that they would all be female. It's looking stronger every day that my prayer has been answered!

So... We got 2 eggs from 3 gringos.

Now, if I could just get my hubby to get the laying boxes made!
Collected the eggs last night and my girls went 3 for 3 yesterday.

Checked again just now (@11:50 AM) and my girls somehow have gone 4 for 3 today!!!!! 4 eggs, 3 hens....I'll take it!!!!

Guess I probably should get use to that ratio.
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