How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6 Out of well i don't know LOL :p well 7 hens are laying but two are silkies The ones that are laying is 3 EE'S and 2 Splash Orps and a Black Silkie and a red one :) we have 7 Dozen eggs for sell :p
2 for 3. That has been pretty consistent, but there is one thing I'd like your comment on.

We got the three hens around November, and we thought they were all 5 months old; Goldie started laying first, followed by the other two. They were all steady at around 5 per week; Goldie laid eggs on Jan 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and then came to a screeching halt. On the 6th we did get one egg that I'm pretty sure was hers, whiter than usual with some calcium deposits on it. Since then she hasn't laid a single egg. She is happy, active, good appetite, runs around and all three socialize very well with each other and with our rooster. She's not egg-bound, nothing abnormal other than she stopped laying abruptly.

My wife thinks Goldie is actually older, she has older eyes, so perhaps she is a year or two old and not a pullet, and it is winter here with short days. I know older birds lay less in the winter. She does like to sit on the nest, every couple days we notice her in there for an hour.

Any thoughts, or should I just not worry about it.
We've started to consistently get five eggs a day from our 6 chicken ladies! And I'm pretty sure one of them hasn't started laying for us, yet. No effort has been made from the duck yet.
I'm slightly annoyed with her. She's supposed to be a fabulous layer!

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