How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Happy to say we are running 3 to 4 a day with 4 hens.. My girls did pretty well all winter usually had 3 eggs 5 times a week with 2 the rest of the time.. Now that we are back to 4 a day I can share with my daughter .. Think I will need to increase my chicken count this year.. I have made it 2 years with my girls I think I can move up to 8 this year . Will need a bigger coop.. Don't tell my DH just yet.. he is still working on my Hoop House..
Too many..........

Last year I was getting up to a dozen a day when I let the Broodies hatch all they wanted to. That cost me production down to 2/3 or less a day all Fall/Winter. Now the Hens have resumed with a vengence along with the hatchlings now reaching age. How do you like my range of colors and tints from my (grasp) MUTTs.
Not to worry, They'll all be on like Donkey Kong first thing tomorrow morning.

Dunno about that.
My donkey says she has naught to do with it.
Anyway, here is whay I founf today, so far.

you can see the differences.
White = Austra, the black hen.
The brown below is from Red.
The one at the left is from Goldie.

Too many..........

Last year I was getting up to a dozen a day when I let the Broodies hatch all they wanted to. That cost me production down to 2/3 or less a day all Fall/Winter. Now the Hens have resumed with a vengence along with the hatchlings now reaching age. How do you like my range of colors and tints from my (grasp) MUTTs.
I love them! Made me smile thinking of my girls. Out of my 9 hens I've got 3 EEs and two lay blue eggs on one is more olive and the rest are different shades of brown.
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Were you washing them to use them straight away?  I was always told not to wash them until you're just about to use them, and even then only to do it if they're really dirty and risk contaminating the contents.  (Something to do with the egg shell being porous, and if you wash them you risk letting bacteria pass into the egg).  My friends and neighbours don't mind the odd smudge on the shell - I even leave an occasional piece of straw or fluffy feather stuck to them - just adds to the 'organic, freshly produced' feel ;)

I don't wash them, but DH feels its necessary before he puts them in the fridge. I told him it wasn't needed but he does it anyway.
8 again today

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