How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

on Sunday I got 12 eggs from 11 hens! this happened a couple times last summer/fall but first time since winter pretty good considering its only March. two of them were small only the size of pullet eggs and the smallest didn't have a yolk . They are golden buffs, 6 are 1 yr old and the other 5 are 2 yrs old.
I've got 24 hens, 4blk australorps, 5 buff orps, 5 N. H. reds, 5 barred rocks, 5 light bramas.
during the month of january, they averaged 70% laying. during feburary, they averaged 75%.
I keep pretty close records on a daily basis. They generally average 18 per day, with lows of 13. One day a week they get up to twenty eggs, with no pattern to the day of the week, temp, weather, or phase of the moon
It seems to me that, if all the girls are laying, ( which is difficult to find out ), at least one day a month they should lay 100% or 24 eggs? Am I expecting too much? The birds are 40 weeks old. Any ideas on marking or telling who is laying or not?
Cousin Dave
Today was the first day ever - (almost a year of keeping chickens) that I got one egg from every girl!! 5 for 5 today!!
I bet you see 100% laying in another month or so when the day's lengthen even more...assuming all those breeds are known for high production laying...I think they all are except I don't know much about light bramas, this summer should be prime laying for your hens
Only 2/3, but both laid before 8.30 am. Looks like Cinders has taken the day off, as it's 6.45pm now, and they'll be in by 7.15pm. Still, as Meatloaf says, "two out of three ain't bad".
Believe me I have told the husband not to wash the eggs. But he does not listen!
Yesterday we got 9 eggs. A very cold and snowy day, my daughter came over and went out to get the eggs and they were laid in the shape of a candy cane! I said with the weather the way it is they probably think its Christmas

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