How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

:barnie  I've got my first broody....and a funny story to go with it.  

I knew Agatha was thinking about brooding - first thing the morning the goofy girl gets on the same nest the minute Cora and then Edith have laid their eggs in it, and she sits.  And sits.  And sits.  I have to prod her off the nest and it's like taking my life in my hands, but she gets off.  I grab those eggs, leave the wooden one, and the minute I'm done she's back on, even though she doesn't lay hers until later in the day. 

Well, we left town for the weekend and 8 year old Katie was in charge of chicken care while we were gone.  Agatha is "her" chicken - she loves that EE and has adopted her.  She panicked because Agatha was on the nest every time Katie and her mom were here to let the dog out and check the chickens.  She thought Agatha died in there.  She tearfully told her mom, "Well, chickens can die if they can't lay their eggs, Mom."  That got Jenny to worrying.  They didn't want to touch Agatha.  If they had, they'd have had the feather fluffing and growling and known that the queen lived.  So finally Jenny called me and I explained what was going on.

So the conversation as Jenny relayed it went like this:
 Jen: "Gramma says Agatha is fine. She's not coming off the nest because she wants to hatch some eggs.  There might even be some eggs from yesterday under her right now."
There's a long pause with an incredulous 8 year old staring at her mom, and then, "Oh, great, Agatha's gone broody and Gramma doesn't have a rooster for the eggs to even be fertile!"  Katie marched right over, went into the coop, and used a bit of bamboo to gently roust Agatha off the nest.  Sure enough, there were two Marans' eggs and the wooden one under her.
Katie: "Well, that's that.  Now if she wants to sit on that egg all she's gonna get is splinters in her hiney!"

Kids pay more attention to conversations than we think we do!
that's too funny!
So the conversation as Jenny relayed it went like this:

There's a long pause with an incredulous 8 year old staring at her mom, and then, "Oh, great, Agatha's gone broody and Gramma doesn't have a rooster for the eggs to even be fertile!" Katie marched right over, went into the coop, and used a bit of bamboo to gently roust Agatha off the nest. Sure enough, there were two Marans' eggs and the wooden one under her.
Katie: "Well, that's that. Now if she wants to sit on that egg all she's gonna get is splinters in her hiney!"

Kids pay more attention to conversations than we think we do!
You need to get Miss Agatha a rooster!!!
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Shinshein try putting golf balls in your nesting boxes, will really help stop them eating eggs, unless soft shell egg breaks. 11/19 today have yet to break 12. My Banty EEs like to brood already and we constantly have to lift them off nest to empty them. How such small girls spread out to cover them all amazes me.

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