How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Well, I was wrong about the 18 out of 19 from my 19 Gold Comets. When I went out at dusk to watch 'Chicken TV' like I try to do each evening there was a lone big old brown egg in the egg box! First time we've gotten 100% from the gals! I gave 'em a whole head of lettuce and let 'em run all over the yard as their reward. You know, I've only been doing this since April when we got the first six pullets from a fellow up in Claremont, NC. I grew up on a farm and we always had chickens but I can't say how many eggs we got but I doubt it was this kind of production. I enjoy my gals. I brag on 'em to everyone that'll stand still long enough to listen. But it is a great experience and I'm really glad to be part of it. The only thing I can say is that I have a bunch of happy hens!
15/23 a bit better than the last few days. Not as good as jim's are doing but half of mine are in molt. It's amazing what a few degees warmer weather makes in production.

Alright JimWWhite sounds like you got you a good flock of layers there.


This morning there was a line at the nest boxes. 6 chickens all took turns and sat in there, some up to two hours! Yet they only left me 3 eggs!!

What's with that? Why do these girls sit in there and not lay? You'd think if they are in the box they're laying - NOOOOOO!

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