How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

What are you hatching now?
I set a dozen Black Penedesenca eggs, 3 olive eggs, 5 blue EE eggs & 9 RIR x RIR or RIR x Black sex link eggs. I tossed 3 clears on day 14 ( 2 Penedesencas & 1 RIR ). Out of the 26 that went into lockdown 20 hatched with no problem, 1 other tried to hatch but ended up getting shrink-wrapped & I had to help it out. I'm not sure if it will make it or not. It still has a small amount of yolk to absorb. It seems to be pretty weak.
I have 1 blue EE egg, 1 black Penedesenca & 2 light brown RIR eggs that haven't hatched yet. 2 of those I had marked as quitters, but didn't toss because I wasn't sure.
I set a dozen Black Penedesenca eggs, 3 olive eggs, 5 blue EE eggs & 9 RIR x RIR or RIR x Black sex link eggs. I tossed 3 clears on day 14 ( 2 Penedesencas & 1 RIR ). Out of the 26 that went into lockdown 20 hatched with no problem, 1 other tried to hatch but ended up getting shrink-wrapped & I had to help it out. I'm not sure if it will make it or not. It still has a small amount of yolk to absorb. It seems to be pretty weak.
I have 1 blue EE egg, 1 black Penedesenca & 2 light brown RIR eggs that haven't hatched yet. 2 of those I had marked as quitters, but didn't toss because I wasn't sure.
You are so much more successful than me!!!! My last hatch yeilded 6 chicks (one had to be culled) out of 42 eggs. What type of incubator do you have? I'm getting ready to set a pile of blue eggs, mostly Cream Legbar in the next few days.
Chicken: 15/17/17
6 Brown
7 Blue (Everyone laid an egg)
2 White

Today slackers are: One Speckled Sussex and Lulu the banty!

DUCK: 3/3/3 (My Cayuga hens are such good reliable layers)
Oh, I keep feeding them and they just keep laughing at me.....and not laying eggs. Then 2 of my 3 Buff Brahma chicks turned out to be RIR cockerels. I figured I had a problem when they didn't have feathers on their legs - tried to talk the folks on the Backyard Brahma thread into reassuring me that they were a rare and endangered species - the elusive Buff Bald-footed Brahmas, but to no avail! Finally found a hatchery that still had a few, ordered them, and paid $3.00 more for shipping than I did for the order, including paying the extra for pullets and Marek's vaccine. This too, shall pass! I"m a tree, I can bend!
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You are so much more successful than me!!!! My last hatch yeilded 6 chicks (one had to be culled) out of 42 eggs. What type of incubator do you have? I'm getting ready to set a pile of blue eggs, mostly Cream Legbar in the next few days.

I have a "Pro Series Circulated Air Incubator Model 4200" with forced air fan kit & automatic egg turner included" by Farm Innovators. I bought it at Buchheit's (Farm & Home) store. It can hold 48 eggs.

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