How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 Chicken egg's
Any tips on getting my pullets to start using the nest boxes? I'm in N FL so I have an open coop built around an older 4x8x3 coop that was on the property. They didn't want to go in there so I got 2 outside boxes but they ignore those as well and lay all over the place on the ground. All boxes are lower than the roosts and all have fake eggs in them.
Any tips on getting my pullets to start using the nest boxes? I'm in N FL so I have an open coop built around an older 4x8x3 coop that was on the property. They didn't want to go in there so I got 2 outside boxes but they ignore those as well and lay all over the place on the ground. All boxes are lower than the roosts and all have fake eggs in them.

I had a simular problem with my hens. They would lay everywhere until a bad week of storms drove me to keep them cooped up for most of the day. After that my hens started laying in the coop. Granted mostly in a corner and not in the boxes but it worked.

I'll face this again once I move them into the new coop but this one will be bigger. Better ventilated. Plus.... I'll no longer have to climb a 3.5' ladder and climb into the coop just to clean and collect eggs lol...
Until then... I'll make due with what I have. Good luck.

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