How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I believe Black Australorps are able to be sexed by checking the wing feathering, at least mine seemed to be.  The ones with two distinct rows of feathers (different lengths) are pullets, and the ones with all the same length feathers (usually shorter) are cockerels.  The cockerels also don't seem to feather in overall as quickly as the pullets.

Thanks. After that post I spent hours reading up on wing sexing and came to that same conclusion. 1 pullet 1 cockrel. Momma hen went berserk today when another hen tried to lay in her corner. I'm taking that as a good sign about the 2 eggs due today or tomorrow. She's dilegantly sat them even though she has 2 babies a week old this Friday. I'm hopeing these other will hatch and give me the required 2 more pullets for my mom-n-law. Otherwise I'll be visiting the feed store first thing in the morning to sneak a few home and slip under her. She should adopt them sense she has babies already. I hope.
They lay one in 24 or more hours. That is the development cycle of the eggs. She is probably hiding one or another pullet is laying.

I got 7 of 11 today. My highest in one day has been 9. A few are just hitting the point of lay.
Ohhh maybe my Silkie is laying too then! I only have 2 females and 1 rooster and today there were 2 eggs whereas the last 14 days there's only been 1 egg a day!
Okay, we have 12 RIR & 12 B Stars free ranged &. Love their house & area. Today only 13 big beautiful eggs. We don't think this is a very ratio. Can anybody give a good idea of why?

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