How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I didn't get out to gather until late. Shame, shame on me! It's just been one of those days...even if I did something right I started out wrong and it worked accidentally. <sigh> I was supposed to have a column ready for the paper this afternoon but since I'd already missed the deadline before I remembered, I won't be in print this week. I forgot to fill the waterers....I dropped the small bucket I use to take food into the run and fill the main feeder. There was food dumped all over the ground. I was mobbed with sparrows! I was afraid to even touch an egg today. Good thing I spent so much time on the computer. There's a delete key on it!

Anyway, chickens are all taken care of and I got 6/9+Scout+Littles+Tinys.
. Shame, shame on me! It's just been one of those days...even if I did something right I started out wrong and it worked accidentally. <sigh>
I know what you mean, I feel like I been having a few days like that!
I definitely did not get the "chicken momma of the year award". I decided I would keep better track of the chicks that I hatched in the Easter HAL, so after reading a bunch on BYC I decided to use the small colored rubber bands (the ones kids use to make bracelets). I knew I would have to keep a close eye of them and the plan was to switch to colored zip-ties when the rubber bands started getting tight. I handle the chicks either daily or every other day. I thought I was keeping a good eye on the bands... until last night. I went in to check the chick water & food before I went to bed and to see how the chicks were doing. To my horror I saw that 1 chick's rubber band had moved up on it's leg and was half above the joint & half below the joint. The joint was very swollen and the band had cut into it's leg on the upper part. I can hardly believe that it got that bad in just a day or 2. I had them outside on Saturday & this was Monday night. I can only surmise that I wasn't paying as good attention as I thought I was. It wasn't good enough to just "look", I should have been "touching" as well to determine how loose the bands still were.
I cut all the rubber bands off all the chicks & replaced them with zip-ties. I tried to get the zip-ties loose enough to allow for growth, but tight enough not to fall off. When I got home from work today about a third of the zip-ties had fallen off ( I guess they were too loose!).
2 of the chicks had pretty deep cuts & very swollen joints; another had injuries, just not as bad.
I cleaned them up last night & put antibiotic ointment on the cuts. 1 chick looks like it has problems with its' toes on that leg, they other 2 are doing better, but aren't "out of the woods" yet.
I have 21 chicks all together. I feel horrible that 3 of them have injuries that were totally avoidable if I had just been a little wiser. Needless to say, I won't be using the rubber bands to identify which chicks came from which eggs.
Hopefully, someone will learn from my mistakes & won't make the same mistake that I did.
I didn't get out to gather until late. Shame, shame on me! It's just been one of those days...even if I did something right I started out wrong and it worked accidentally. I was supposed to have a column ready for the paper this afternoon but since I'd already missed the deadline before I remembered, I won't be in print this week. I forgot to fill the waterers....I dropped the small bucket I use to take food into the run and fill the main feeder. There was food dumped all over the ground. I was mobbed with sparrows! I was afraid to even touch an egg today. Good thing I spent so much time on the computer. There's a delete key on it! Anyway, chickens are all taken care of and I got 6/9+Scout+Littles+Tinys.
Every now and again we have those days. I too have been robbed by, well, I'm not sure, but sparrows or starlings. Filled a thirty lb feeder Sunday afternoon and Monday evening it was practically empty. Time I guess for the grandpa feeder I have been wanting.

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