How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


13 eggs today

1 egg from the control group

12 eggs from the free range chickens and 10 of them eggs were found in a nest under one of the sheds and I only got the nest because a neighbor came by with their little six year old boy and he crawled under the shed to check for any chicken nest so he got a icy drink from the gas station as that is what he wanted

Temp for the day a cool 98F degrees and light winds all day with overcast
Defiantly need days like that so I can get some chores accomplished .
Sounds like pretty quick work for a snake. Are you sure something else didn't get them? 6/8 for yesterday. Got 2 broody's again. Argh !!
Had to be.... A raccoon or possum would of went after the live birds. Only eggs were gone. No shells visible but the crushed one. And speaking of the crushed egg chick... After a fearful night I wake to find .... Viper The miracle chick and another chick Angle running around the incubator with 4 more pips in the others.

Congratulations Viper you GO
What a way to beat the odds
Maybe a few like 6 would be good for them give them
a reason to get up? works for me
Great question. We have 9 hens and have been getting 8-9 per day. Suddenly, the number dropped to 3-4 per day. I'm wondering if our heat wave is a factor. Is in the 90's.

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