How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

PouleChick is in France, 5 hours ahead of us so she posted at 3:22 PM her time. If you are just starting your day, you don't get up with the chickens!

What I meant of starting my day, is my layers are just at the beginning of their laying day (7am - 6 pm) is when we normally find eggs, I got 29 layers ages 1 to 4 yrs old + 4 five month olds that just started laying.

Nope I don’t get up with chickens, I wake up earlier than them :barnieto scoop their poop boards before they come down from roosts so they won’t step on droppings before they lay their eggs (we don’t wash eggs) They let themselves in and out of their coop to their big secure runs too. So if I’m traveling which is often, the chickens are not coop up. Then I get ready for work by 7 am (works 10-12 hours) except today.
once a year I have a assessment as part of my disability took most my morning my sweetie went out cleaned my coops had 6 eggs one nest what a guy think I will keep him :gig
Nope I don’t get up with chickens, I wake up earlier than them :barnieto scoop their poop boards before they come down from roosts so they won’t step on droppings before they lay their eggs (we don’t wash eggs)
With that many hens you must have a pretty big coop. Mine is a 10x12 converted horse stall. I don't bother with poop boards, I put a fair amount of pine shavings on the floor and rake it every morning. Takes a minute or two. I don't wash eggs either unless they need it and that usually means the odd one laid from the roost.
@PouleChick, your Copper Marans has a lot of Copper on the back and wings, and the slow grow tail feather, comb almost too prominent, am suspecting a rooster.

I had just checked my 2 week olds Marans and it seems like I’m going to have 13-14 roosters from 22 chick hatched.

Once I hatched 11 Black Penedsencas and got 9 roosters and only 2 hens. It happens.

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