How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Any news on the hen Karen?
No sign of her. I have to go with something got her. 😞 It's been a hectic weekend. My Mom is back in the hospital. So I went up there after getting off a 12 hour shift.
They don't know what is wrong with her but are concerned about low oxygen rates. I think she is just plumb worn out. I'm heading back up there in a little bit. I need to feed the chickens first.
No sign of her. I have to go with something got her. 😞 It's been a hectic weekend. My Mom is back in the hospital. So I went up there after getting off a 12 hour shift.
They don't know what is wrong with her but are concerned about low oxygen rates. I think she is just plumb worn out. I'm heading back up there in a little bit. I need to feed the chickens first.
Prayers in the tough time also
12 today though one was broken in the nest. The girls didn't eat it until I tossed it in the alley.

Today so far I’m 2 for 6! A 66 gram leghorn egg and a 55 gram Faverolles egg!

One girlie didn't want to give hers up... I'm thinking she's debating going broody on me. 🤔
I've got one that is like that but usually if I take her egg away she leaves the nest.

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