How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11/20 . . . . My New Hampshire girl is still laying in her secret stashpile somewhere in the barn, and about half my Wyandottes are still laying in the burn piles. . .
You lost one of your Gals! What happened?

I have several in a different run,they had not been debeaked,I went to check on them about noon and one had been seriously pecked,I removed it from the rest of the flock and treated it with blu-kote and gave her vitamins and some boiled egg,I applied pine tar to the others to prevent more pecking ,but I guess the stress and injury was too much for her,,thats the first time I have had that problem.I tried to save her but couldn,t
5 eggs from my 5 Standards

2 eggs out of 4 laying ducks. They are hiding them from me! LOL

1 from my silkie hen, Henrietta~~none of my other Silkies are laying...yet

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