How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

wow.. i could not even imagine only owning 10 chickens.. you guys are cracking me up with the numbers... only 7 chickens??? only 18 chickens???...... i have that number in ONE pen!!! HAHAHAH

pen #1.. 4 marans, 2 cochin, 3 EE = 9
pen#2.. 14 blue cochins, 1 bard, 2 white =17
pen#3... 7 OEG, 1 EE, 3 blueANDUL.. = 11
pen#4 (is a huge fenced "yard") cant even count them all???? my guess
30 various breeds and mixes of banties,, 4 buff minorcas, 4 blk andeluisians, 6 various brown egg layers, 2 brn cochins, = 46??
all together.. aprox 83.... i had 120 but i sold a bunch of them as pullets

also, 3 guinea hens, 7 geese, 3 wild turkeys
at this moment i am not getting many eggs...
most are still to young (just starting to lay) moulting, its too cold, or getting to old,,or just not "production breeds"
i am getting about 8-12 a day... and i dont eat many eggs..
WOW i cant imagine how many i will get in the spring!!!!!!
I have 12 hens.. and I got 7 eggs yesterday and 8 today! whoo hoo!

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