How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have 16 hens now with 12 that lay and so far today I have 8 eggs. 6 of the hens are my new hens bought from another farmer so we'll see by the end of the day. I saw that at least two others may be ready to lay, which shall see.
and 2 babies
I didn't get many eggs today. Yesterday I moved all of my birds into one coop. I think they are rebelling. Some will stand by the pop door of the other coop and can't figure why the pop door is closed and they can't get in.
I got an egg out of the seven hens (yesterday not today but I was so excited I had to join in and post!) they just moved in with us the day before yesterday so I am thinking things will pick up! it was a most beautiful brown egg!

my husband had it in a crystal dish waiting for me when I came in last night
the big guy was as excited as I was I think!
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