How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

26 yesterday from our 29 Gold Comets!!! You gotta love them GC's! They're laying machines. I saw there was some comments earlier in the week about my posts and how many eggs we've been getting. I think the GC's are absolutely the best layers. If you want easter eggs, then get some of the breeds that lay green, red, blue, and chocolate eggs. If you want fuzzy chickens, get yourself some silkies. But if you want big brown eggs every day get yourself some GC's. Not only are they great layers but they are people friendly and they're very hardy and healthy birds. We did lose one recently but she was right at 2 years old and just got a cold or something and didn't get over it.

One side note... A friend has a dozen black sex links and he's been getting the same kind of egg production as we've been getting with 10 plus eggs every day. And they're a good looking chicken too. Very similar to the GC's in most every way except for their color.

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