How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Hey well things do exand when its that cold out lol...wonder if that goes for eggs?! JK...thats one big egg
First...I want to say I am so glad to hear that many of you are starting to get eggs again!

3 Friday, 4 yesterday, 2 so far today (will check again in a little while).... out of 9 laying hens (I think)

Wahoo! I have 3 RIR that have been laying since July, 3 BR & 3 Red Stars that I have been waiting to start (they are 5 months old now). They have not laid an egg for me since the day before Thanksgiving.....then.......2 days ago, I started getting eggs again...kind of small so I was assuming that my 6 juvies were starting to lay, but wasn't sure as I am kind of new to this. But this morning, during my normal morning ritual of feeding, watering & talking to my babies, I actually saw one of my Red Stars lay an egg! This is the first time I personnaly witnessed it! It was sooooo COOL!

My DH thinks I am nuts about how excited I get over my itty-bitties! LOL!
5 from 7 so far today.

40 for the week (Sun to Sat) and I'm still unsure if that 7th hen actually started.
Actually sold a dozen to partners co-worker. I'll have over half the feed cost covered with that 2 buck/doz per week. Woo Hoo!
7/7 yesterday found one at the gate to the run, dirty I know who it was she must have not been paying attention, she's usually a prissy girl! Today nada at 11 am even my husband was surprised!

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