How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Our layer flock is mostly older hens, a couple ancient bantams, and one young rhode island red. We have 17 in total including the rooster, and we get 6-8 eggs a day during the summer, 3-5 during winter. Most of these birds are several years old, the australorps and bantams are quite old, the rooster is several years old, and most of the RIRs are pretty gold. We got them from a friend who had them for a few years, and he got them from various friends who had had their respective hens for a year or more before giving them away. We have no idea how old they are, but the egg production is just pitiful lol.
time for a broody hen to get some new chick's in the mix
2 pullets 1 roo 25 chicks on order.. three first all of the eggs from the frizzle, she is laying .
Today was in the mid 40s and only got one egg. started the weekend off going well with 3 eggs from 5 hens... seems my girls dont like the rain and take the day off if its to rainy, on Saturday I didnt get a single egg:(
Yep it was a double yoke egg but my 2year old is holding it so it does look even bigger.Sorry. It was misshapen too but it was yummy!
I have 6hens yet to lay and 1that just started. So I got 1
egg today but it was a crazy egg.

did you weigh the egg what kind of chicken do you have laying double yolks?

I did not weigh it. Like I said it looks bigger than it is because my son is holding it. It was misshapen, along with its size that is what I was trying to show everyone. It came from an Easter Egger. She was a feed store bird so when I bought her they said she was an EE I can't explain her egg color... She has been only laying about a week so I guess she is just figuring things out. I am hoping her sisters will be laying soon since they were hatched in April and then I have a purebred Americana hatched in May.

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