How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

A BIG FAT ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAA!!!!!(NOT)
help me
Well, 2 for 3 at this point, 4:30PM CDT.

Dunno if Austra will add a white egg or not.

Been cold at night, and not the warmest days.

Red was the first to lay eggs, starting in September.

Goldie too several months to start, and Austra only recently. 3 so far for her.
Should fix Chorizo con Huevos tonight.
For the past three days we've gotten 20 on Sunday, 21 on Monday, and 20 eggs today from our 22 BSL's And to top it off many, if not most of them have been in the extra large to jumbo size. We've been getting some really nice eggs lately. And something that seems a little 'strange' is that unlike the Golden Comets we had before the BSL's are laying eggs that have very hard shells. Many of my customers have commented on that. We're using the same feed we got for the GC's from the local SouthStates Co-Op and I don't think they've changed their formula for it. Just kind of a bit odd...

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