How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Well, I discovered another hiding place.
So I got 21 eggs today.

We got 2/4 today, but I think we interrupted Madge and she didn't lay. Will she go back and lay later? Or did I mess her up?
Flock Age
11 months
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[COLOR=696969]B. Leghorn[/COLOR]​
[COLOR=696969]SLW [/COLOR]​
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Laying Record
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I had to give up the fancy thumbnail in the corner.
Uh... I am guessing this is an April fools joke. You have April 2 in the chart, but today is April 1.
1 egg out of 2 laying pekins, have 5 in total but 3 havent started yet. Got two out of two not yesterday but day before. They seem to lay every other day but they've been moved around so had a bit of stress recently.
The pecking order got established fairly quickly... the boss hen from the old set and new set squared off pretty aggressively; but after about an hour, my rooster (already here) stepped in and put both of them in their places!

Friday after I posted, I went back out to see how the integration was coming... Two newbies had laid- both in the laying boxes at that! Today all 3 of my original flock layed as usual, plus one newbie, again all in the laying boxes. I guess I am an exception to the rule, but I have never had an egg laid other than where they should be.

On a side note, I had also picked up 6 new hens for a friend, and had kept them in the crate until he returned yesterday afternoon. Two laid (in the crate of course) Friday afternoon, and two Saturday morning. Got them to his place about 4:00pm, and one laid an hour later. He sent me a message that one had laid this morning while we were all at church. The good part of the story is that while this is his second flock... these are his FIRST eggs. His first flock were some birds that were past laying age (from one of the people who obviously will take advantage of unknowing newbies). He didn't get an egg for six months, then lost all of them to predators.

Well, with old hens, you never know.
I was given 4 older hens a few years back,. but they still laid a few eggs every so often.
Then they stopped, year before ;last, when the heat wave hit and stayed, and nary an egg till last spring, then slowed, usually ony 3 or 4 eggs a week. I had lost one, she just up and died, laying in the nest box.
I gave the other 3 away last fall,a nd told them that they were past theri prime. Dunno if they ever got any eggs at all. I think only one was laying.

Today was a 3 for 3, though Austras egg had a blood streak. I think she needs to mature a bit more
I was thinking about raising a few more chicks this year, dunno yet
Maybe wait till next year, and see if I can get a green or blue egg layer or two...
I get more than enough, give quite a few away, and I just acquired two mini donkeys that I have to tend to now.
Tomorrow i have to drive 70 miles to return the trailer I rented...
Cleaned it out nicely...
I suppose, being as I won't be peeking several times during the afternoon, that they will lay 3 again, and maybe the expecting goats will decide to kid

Ate two nicely pickled eggs last night too. A sorta off color purple.
Were supposed to be regular purple, but the pickle juice was greenish, so....

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