How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Only 2 out of 4 today. Usually get 3 eggs a day, but Pease the Pekin has decided to go broody just a day after Titania the Silkie stopped being broody! So only had a 4 egg day once.
Silly hens...
Hmmm... You've got quite a variety and most are average to above average production wise.  The three breeds we added are breeds you also have.  Are they young birds, first year laying?  Ours have only been laying two months so far.

Today was an average day.  7/10... Got one that's acting a bit broody.  Every time I collect eggs I have to pick her up off them to collect them and then I put her back w/ her golf balls... she seems happy w/ this arrangement.

They are all over a year except for my leghorns. They are 11 months and laying every day. Most are closer to a year and a half.

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