How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Today I got four! This is very exciting for us as our girls just started laying. We have 22 ladies and they are only 19 weeks old so not all of them have started laying yet. Here are the first three we got - and thought we were done for the day. Bailey is the Gold Star featured in the background and one of our proud layers :)
Those are some very nice looking eggs!! I found my first eggs today also. Its is a long story but just found a new home for the chick.hen turned rooster last weekend, and now we have eggs!! I have been letting them free range over my yard for the last month, so I am now learning how to keep them in the confines of their fenced area...I am thinking about constructing roosts made of madrona wood, any ideas?
3 out of 5. My two araucanas have not laid for 5 days. One was badly bullied by the other. The victim is being kept in a separate area of the run. The bully was kicked out of the coop tonight and into the run because she was viciously going after the other 6. She seems to be hell bent on killing someone. I hate to make her dinner :-(
since im out of town this weekend i'll have to wait til i get home to see how many. i should have about 4 more since one is laying. if any of the other ones start there will be more.
I got 2. One from my Australorp and one from my Buff Orpington. The Cream Legbar should start laying at the end of the month and the Black Ameraucana should start next month. I expected my first white egg from the Polish I got yesterday but nope. I'm sure she is stressed so she will lay when she relaxes into the place.
1/5 I have 2 2yo buff orphingtonsthat we brought home 3 month ago that are not laying at all. I have a bucket of oyster shell left out for them 24/7

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