How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Mine will sit on top of each other. The bottom hen will stay until she's finished while the other sits half on her and half in the nest box. Four of my hens prefer one nest box and two prefer the other, leaving one that no one likes! Wonder what makes one " box" more " special " than another??!! 6/6 eggs today! I love going to the grocery and strolling right past their eggs without needing to buy any!
I got 10 from 12

They ate one before I found it... must have been a soft shell. Those are the only ones they eat.
I have 4 nest boxes and they still all seem to want to "share" the same box.
Thought I only had 4/9 yesterday. Today I found 3 in the wheelbarrow - when I cleaned out their roost & nest boxes the other day I got called away before I emptied it and forgot to go back - I had left it under a tree and someone has made a nest in it!
3/5: I'm seriously starting to doubt the age of my araucanas. I have only gotten 3 eggs from the two of them over the last two weeks. I know stress could be a factor, but they are completely integrated in the flock now. I want my blue eggs :-(
I'm so sorry about your loss. Many years ago I lost my pet , Cluck, to our German Shepherd puppy. My Dad got rid of the puppy , but I cried over the chicken. I have been teased by my sisters about it ever since, but darn it , we love our girls, crazy as it may seem.

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