How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


The gals are on strike for more sunshine, and warmer weather.
I read somewhere that you can crack open the eggs and either put then in plastic freezer bags or ice cube trays and then freeze them. Then you can use them later for cooking. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how well that works out.
I read somewhere that you can crack open the eggs and either put then in plastic freezer bags or ice cube trays and then freeze them. Then you can use them later for cooking. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how well that works out.

4/9 This cold weather is really slowing them down. Doesn't matter so much to me, because I have 8 dozen eggs in the fridge that I have no idea what to so with.
I get 2-3 eggs a day from my Marans pullets that are starting to lay. My older hens are on strike....too much snow....not enough daylight. I am going to start extra lights after Christmas. I am not in a rush....and they might as well have a break. It seems a shame to have almost 30 birds between older and pullets and only getting 3 eggs max. Oh well they have done well for me the rest of the year.

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