How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Now ain't she a sweetheart....
Ugh she is so annoying, if you move her she just sits there because she is annoyed about the change of location

That is one pretty hen!
Awww, thanks!
How'd ya get her to wear that bow tie? Too cute! I dunno how many eggs today - we left town fro the next 4 days and daughter hasn't given me a final tally yet. But we left at 10:00 am and the count was 7 then.

Edit: I hit the "quote" on the wrong post, although the "Sweetheart" comment was in response to the same picture I was posting about. One of THOSE days....
She is really quite agro for a little chicken. She attacked Cloe yesterday for no reason whatsoever.
This is Cloe. My bunny
why? Mine go back to the coop to lay, I don't have to keep them locked up until they lay.

Same with my flocks, they go back to their coop to use the nest boxes to lay their eggs. Occasionally, when they were new at it, I would find an egg that was laid out in the yard, but not very often. Now I only get eggs in the nest box.
Today I got 5 eggs from 9 hens.
Change that to 6 eggs from 9 hens. When I went to lock them up for the night, I found 1 more egg!

Mine absolutely never lay in their nesting box. They free range all day long and find a new hiding spot every couple of weeks. We picked up some lumber and a circular saw today so we're intending to start work on a new coop (with attached run) on the weekend. That should solve that problem.
Today it looks like 3/6 and I am wondering when those other three are going to get with it! LOL
The BO probably isn't ready yet but she is getting larger comb and wattles but they are still more pink than red. The other two a RIR and Black SL have lots of red and they both have nice sized combs and wattles and the SL is as big as the BO. The RIR is still kind of small but larger than the new BR hen which we added to the flock...
4/4,3/19 but 2 were soft shell. Have been getting one small brown egg every other day for week or so. Still busy helping Hubby to heal and I have till Friday when I have surgery to get things ready. My guys are great but them in charge worries me. Did you feed em, water em, egg count, let em range?? I am going to go nuts if I can't get out to my kids!!!

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