How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6 Chicken egg's out of 10 hens and one has chicks and two are making a nest under the shed so I can not get to them so I guess they are doing alright for now even with it being so cold just hanging in the low 90's and I did shut off the swamp coolers last month and lately I have been thinking about putting on some long pant's and hanging up the shorts as winter is right around the corner and also I had to shut the ceiling fans down to half speed wow it's fall and getting so cold already so how do the lady's handle it out side roosting on the fence all night as they still refuse to roost in the Chicken house as I did shut off the ceiling fan in there for them because I was thinking it might be getting cold for them this time of year ......
I woke up to 24 degrees. I know it's coming but I ain't looking forward to winter. Getting too old! Heard a little peep in the coop tonight. Very faint, but definitely there. Maybe by tomorrow there'll be at least one chick!
I woke up to 24 degrees.  I know it's coming but I ain't looking forward to winter. Getting too old!  Heard a little peep in the coop tonight.  Very faint, but definitely there.  Maybe by tomorrow there'll be at least one chick!
how exciting! Biting my nails waiting for the news. Come on fluffy butts!
Thanks for the tip. Dumb question, but what do you give them for protein???
I give mine mealworms for extra protein. You can get forage cakes that helps too. I also give mine a egg layer supplement that has omega 3 fatty acids.
Ok I saw the meal worms at the store. I feed them food for layers. But no supplements. They eat bugs in their run. We don't let them out much due to the neighb orhood pets that don't stay home. I'm sure my son will love doing meal worms since it grosses me out a bit. Lol
Ok I saw the meal worms at the store. I feed them food for layers. But no supplements. They eat bugs in their run. We don't let them out much due to the neighb orhood pets that don't stay home. I'm sure my son will love doing meal worms since it grosses me out a bit. Lol
yes they absolutley love meal worms. By far my girls favorite treat.
Cat food works for upping the protein during molt too. But you shouldn't feed them too high protein feed constantly, it's not good for them. Something around 18% is probably fine for layers.

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