How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Interesting that yours are just molting now... Mine finished up weeks ago. No eggs yesterday. My 1 2013 hen I got this year seems to lay 3-4 hours later each day until she skips day 4. Someone is still teasing me by "playing" in the nest boxes, I found the golf ball kicked out onto the coop floor.
It seems that a lot of birds start molting as fall begins, so right now would be the peak for them. I have 3 that are in full blown molts and have no tails and hardly any feathers on their heads or neck. I had two birds that molted in August when they were brooding chicks. Now they are back to laying again which is nice. A couple of my 7 month old pullets stopped laying, but they are not molting. I leave the lights on in the coop until 7 p.m., so they are getting between 11 and 12 hours of light. I'd rather just go natural and let them do their thing, but I also feel badly that it is so dark here all the time so I turn the lights on in the barn while I'm feeding in the evening.

Only 2 more months and the days will start to get longer again!!!
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