How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Thanks...I think she is too! I've been toying with the idea of an "Ugliest Feature" know, funky combs, odd feathering, feet like Scout's, weird beaks....
OK.....where do I read about this famous chicken named Scout???????
9 brown
6 blue
5 white

THEN.....TA DA.... I found little miss Lulu's secret nesting spot. There were 5 eggs in it! Miss Lulu, can squeeze her fluffy little butt through the fence and go galavanting anytime she pleases. This morning, she was already out and hanging out in front of the ducks side of the hen house. The second I opened the door to let the quackers out, she flew, yes flew inside of their area and into an old wall mounted nesting box that I keep tools in. 5 min later, I saw her sitting in the laying position up there on top of the junk, so I left her alone. Later, after she left I looked and saw 5 eggs! I fixed it up, removed the junk, added bedding and put her eggs back in. I hope she continues to use it because I cannot find any of her other eggs. She has access to to many buildings. She won't lay eggs in the main hen house because she is tiny and gets bullied out of the boxes by the mean girls. I swear, I want to make her a house chicken, but my cats would love that way to much! Lulu is an extra tiny Old English Game hen bantam.

First look into the duck quarters. Do I see eggs???

Closer look..yes I see 5 Lulu eggs! Happy dance!!!!

All cleaned up with added clean pine shedding. I hope she keeps laying eggs here.

SOOOOO pretty, let's have a closer look, shall we???

Lulu (Tiny next to the other fluffy butts)
How cool. Go Lulu! She looks just like Miss Sasafrass. I never realized how much I would miss her.

OK.....where do I read about this famous chicken named Scout???????
Careful you're gonna fall in love.

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