How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10/12 again for me yesterday. That makes 71/84 the last week! The girls are loving spring and since the sap on my maples is starting to run better.... so am I!
Yesterday (to busy to post yesterday)

10/17/17 (Chicken) 2/3/3 (duck)
5 brown
2 blue
2 white
1 banty egg

I ran out of their hand mixed feed that I buy from a guy who grinds/mixes his own. It's a mash that I mix with water, and the chicken's and ducks LOVE it! I was forced to buy layer feed at the feed store because of all the company and activity at my house the past 3 weeks, and the chickens and ducks are very unhappy with the feed store crumbles. My production is down a bit as well.....Can't wait till I have time again, I'll go get the girls their beloved mash!

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