How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

9 chicken egg's today
Well yesterday and today I think I have 13 and maybe another 13. Peewee is going broody. I think. So yesterday test her I put about 9 eggs under her yesterday. First thing this morning there was another hen in the box. But now since about 10 peewee is back in there and I didn't know it. Put my hand in got pecked together with some growling and like hissing. And so I out 7 more eggs under there. I think we will call that good. And I found my EE Buttercup laying under a metal pile out back. That stinker. 2 eggs under there.

Go Peewee!!!!!!!! Is Buttercup an EE from me? None of mine have ever gone broody...just Peewee...the production White Leghorn!

I have a styrofoam Farm innovator with fan and egg turner. I have had hatch rates above 70 % with it.
I would love to pick your brain to see what you do differently than me!
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I'm getting over 20 dozen a week just in duck eggs! Having 300 ducks is clearly a BAD obsession! Need to sell lots of eggs to keep up! My incubator can only handle 400 at a time! :)
yesterday I found 1 egg in one of the nest boxes in the new coop that I built for my next flock that will arrive this weekend, today there is 2, one of the native hens has claimed the nest box for her next lot of chicks, so I will have to change the coop so she can hatch her eggs.
Ok. I went down to the coop to lock up the girls last night, and found 11 eggs. I have 9 hens. I swear I collected eggs on Saturday, but maybe it was earlier in the day than usual, and there was some late activity. I didn't write it down, but I think I may have gotten 4 eggs Saturday, so I guess that would make sense ... sort of. It's the only logical explanation I can come up with for 11/9.

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You know...there is NO CURE?! Right? We stink at math!

14 chickens-12 chickens+ 3 banties-1 duck+3 geese=45 chickens, 8 ducks and 5 geese, plus a goat!
so true.

Weird day.........


duck- 3/3/3

An old Cream Legbar hen laid an egg today, but first, she threw an Easter egger egg out of the nest box, and landing it on the ledge...broken.

Then, I found a rubber egg OUTSIDE of chicken run..even though no chickens got out today, unless she flew back in after laying her rubber egg in the open outside of the run????

Here's the broken egg, perfectly balanced on the ledge, and the crabby Cream Legbar is still in the nest laying her egg in it's place!
You have the craziest

I have a few "options" as far as vermin control, but thought I might still be able to save the RIR if I didn't take the few extra seconds to grab one before running out the door.
I knew this could happen, but had been lucky so far and got complacent.
I did give my two roosters a talking to about not defending their ladies.
I'm so sorry.
I've noticed it happens upon complacency too. Everything is going hunky-dorey we relax a bit and wham!

Got 6/6/7 today and I busted my husband looking at incubators at TSC today when we stoped to grab feed and scratch.... He left us in the van and ran inside 'quickly'. Son had to potty so we went in after 30 mins.... (Quick my foot)...... And there he was comparing still air vs circulated air incubators.

He said hush and kept looking. I asked if he suddenly wanted more and he said go away!!!

Told him he would catch the fever... I can't wait to see how Mr. No Babies changes when these 2 eggs hatch this week... I'm guessing by Friday we should have babies... Bad thing is I hope they hold off until Sunday. I've got a football game to go to Saturday. WAR EAGLES first A-game. Can't wait for these babies but if they come Saturday they will have to deal until I get home.

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