How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We have 8 hens. We've been getting 4-5 eggs a day. Yesterday we got 6, today 4.
I have a question......does each chicken lay 1 egg a day or do some lay more than one egg a day?
I'm sure you can tell, I'm new to chickens!!


Usually 1 egg/day it depends on the breeds, accndg. to experts here in BYC it takes a hen 25 hours cycle for egg generation process. But there are some rare occasions that you'll get 2 eggs from same hen. Happened to my barred rock pullets the 1st week of laying, having layed in the morning then layed while on roost that evening.
6/6 on Tuesday
5/6 yesterday
6/6 today
Starting to be more consistent. (i think)
They are 5 months old now. Never a dull moment tho. I had to lock Them in the coop so they got the idea to lay their eggs in there and when I thought I was only getting 5 eggs today I let them free range.
After spending 30 mins looking around for my "missing"SLW, there she was laying egg number 6 in her secret place. The secret place is getting weeded out tomorrow. Gotta love those girls.
A whopping 2! Yes, this is seriously exciting. My pulleys are 21 weeks old, and one of them, Ginger, has been laying for two weeks. She has laid an egg a day, only missing one day, but today I found a second, 'mystery egg' in the middle of the ramp. I'm guessing my GLW or Australorp. It is a bizarre but beautiful egg. And I would've posted on here earlier, but I wanted to wait until I had at least two eggs, so I could at least pretend to sound impressive with my egg count :D

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