How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7/10 - year olds
14/13 - 21 wk olds (new layer layed 2 no shell eggs)
21/23 = the most eggs ever in one day!!!
If one's birds are laying 5-7 eggs a week, they'll lay 80% or more by 10 AM. The rest will come periodically throughout the day. If they aren't laying that consistently, perhaps more will come in the morning.
It takes 26 hours to build an egg and ovulation usually doesn't happen for a while after the egg is laid so they'll be a bit later every day until they skip a day because they won't lay at night. All the rest of the eggs in the assembly line will come first thing in the morning for up to 12 days till they start coming later in the day. Time of year will make a difference but this is why so many people think all their eggs are laid in the morning, It's because most are.
9 eggs yesterday from (I think ) 15 layers ( I have 2 that I'm not sure if they have started laying yet or not, so it may only be out of 13.

Apparently the gate to the bird yard did not get locked yesterday and the dog got in. She had my 2 black penedesenca pullets laying out in her yard and was chasing the cockerels in the bird yard. Both pullets were still alive, 1 recovered fully but the other did not make it. There was not a lot of external damage but I guess she had internal injuries. Dumb human for not making sure the gate was securely locked ( that would be me) and dumb dog for thinking that she can "play/ retrieve" my chickens.

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