How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Well they started having this issue before the light change i would say in July/August, I thought it was because of molting but it never went away and to be honest has gotten worse. today we got only 8 eggs out of 30 hens? i have lights in there coop and they worked well last year. what kind of lights would you recommend?

any ideas welcome
Have you checked them for mites? Or wormed them? I've heard that both of those things can slow down egg laying.
Have you checked them for mites? Or wormed them? I've heard that both of those things can slow down egg laying.
i have not seen any mites but will double check tomorrow, and worming what would you recommend for that this would be my first time. but i will try anything they were doing so well before
i have not seen any mites but will double check tomorrow, and worming what would you recommend for that this would be my first time. but i will try anything they were doing so well before
Put it in the search bar at the top of the page and see what you find. I have only wormed once myself and it was over a year ago, so I don't remember what I used. I do know I looked it up on BYC.
Edited to add: make sure you pay attention to "egg avoidance" guidelines. I think I feed all eggs back to the chickens for 2 weeks, it may have been 3 weeks, but then they are safe to for human consumption again. Timelines vary depending on what you use to worm.
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Put it in the search bar at the top of the page and see what you find. I have only wormed once myself and it was over a year ago, so I don't remember what I used. I do know I looked it up on BYC.
Edited to add: make sure you pay attention to "egg avoidance" guidelines. I think I feed all eggs back to the chickens for 2 weeks, it may have been 3 weeks, but then they are safe to for human consumption again. Timelines vary depending on what you use to worm.
thanks so much Karenerwin, i finally found my chicken diseases book and looked up worms and i think your right its a worm of some kind. i will do a web search for meds thanks again your the best. people on BYC always impress with how much they help each other and care

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