How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

1/4. And here I went out and bought some scratch for them for treats.
IMLE (In My Limited Experience) , "scratch" is a detriment to max egg production ....... this time of year, when there are no insects or worms (protein) to be foraged ...... anything with less protein than layer mash/pellets is cutting into their production potential .....
Sooper Sekrit Skwirrel RapportZ: Amaranth, which is a weed (and grows like one) in corn country, has 16g of protein/100g grain ...... same as standard layer mash ..... just don't let any corn producers hear you say anything nice about it ......

3 eggs today

1 egg from the control group
, I guess them lady's just got upset because I cleaned out the and used soap and water in some places

2 eggs from the free range chickens
It dried out a bit today so I guess the crows are back to work

Temp for the day was 54F degrees with clear sky's with calm winds and night time temps of 36F degrees .....

I only have one rubber maid can for chicken feed and four metal cans and the only can to have a leak was the nonmetal can so the birds had plenty of feed today as I had to toss all the wet feed
Do you know how to blow an egg? Prick a hole in each end, stir up the insides with a toothpick, hold the egg gently but firm enough that you can press your lips against and blow. 
After removing some of the contents, inject in some food coloring, and place it in the nest. 
If someone is eating eggs, you'll certainly know which one it is because of the dyed beak.
Then take it from there.

Thank you for this info! I never hear of it either but I have had great luck with the golf ball trick.

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