How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Just a thought...I saw someone on the brooder thread mention using "clear greenhouse plastic." It may be more money, but it would probably be much more durable.

We used regular clear vinyl on the entire end of the coop we enclosed, but found out quickly that it cracks badly in any cold weather if anything stresses it like a chicken jumping against it. I've had to tuck tape most of it from 4' down.

If we use this particular coop again...I'd replace the vinyl with the greenhouse plastic at the very minimum. I wish I'd have know about it sooner. I just wanted to mention this in case it can save you some grief.
7 out of 8. Fixing the muddy run seems to have gotten them back to laying well. House sitter says he has 3 dozen eggs in the refrigerator waiting for anyone who needs them.
14 hours of light, plenty of high protein feed (and not a lot of low protien treats- cut the scratch/cracked corn), and all the water you can get them to drink .
I'm new to raising chickens and curious to know its been a little cooler here in Florida but not cold. Why is my egg production down 4/12. They are 7 months old and all are not laying yet and production is down! Any help
How many are laying and how many do you normally get? What breeds do you have? Some breeds lay more often than others. Not all chickens lay every day. If you have just 6 laying, then getting 4 is doing very well. What are you feeding? Scratch does not contain the nutrition a pullet needs for laying. Snacks and scratch should make up no more than 10% of their diet. The cooler weather in Florida is not preventing them from laying. It is staying well below freezing where my girls are and they are laying well. They did stop for a few days around Christmas. Neighbor came over to see what was happening. Told house sitter to put sand and pine shavings in run to help with the mud. Two days later they were back to laying.

My four 7 months old pullets are not laying at all yet. In fact, I have one pullet that hasn't laid and is 10 1/2 months old. If she hasn't started by the time I get home in May she might end up being soup.
We got 8 chicken eggs , 8 button quail eggs & 1 turkey egg today , we won't talk about how many there should have been! But it is only 8 degrees and feels like -10 below.

Better than no eggs I guess.

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