How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Here is my poor cockerel. We had real cold temps & high winds Saturday night. I covered his coop with a tarp to keep the wind out, but the tarp came about half way off during the night. I brought him & his partner inside the next day. I've added electrolytes to his water. I feel so bad for him! All the other roosters, in a variety of other coops got a little frostbitten, but no where near as bad as him. I have no idea if any of that will heal or not ( I afraid the answer is going to be not). I think his wattles got damaged because they dip into the water dish when he gets a drink & then they must have froze. Sunday all the boys got petroleum jelly rubbed into their combs & wattles & fortunately it wasn't near as windy.
Even his face looks frostbitten. He will be staying inside until he heals (I hope that is what he does!) and it gets warmer outside. I don't want to put him out into real cold weather after he has been in a heated house for a while. Also, no one else is going to be housed in that coop until it gets updated.

I got 5 eggs today & none were frozen.

Oh the pour thing have you cooked him up some eggs to eat ...... What are you going to be feeding this pour guy ???

Is the flooding clearing up yet .....


6 eggs today

4 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp a freezing cold 56F degrees no winds or clouds
Well darlings only gave me 4 so far looking to see if I have a timer to use a regular bulb in I am in Mossyrock but we seem to have allot grey sky's going for us and allot of drizzle
Oh the pour thing have you cooked him up some eggs to eat ...... What are you going to be feeding this pour guy ???

Is the flooding clearing up yet .....


6 eggs today :clap

4 eggs from the control group :D

2 eggs from the free range chickens :ya

Temp a freezing cold 56F degrees no winds or clouds :frow

How does 15• grab ya?
Oh the pour thing have you cooked him up some eggs to eat ...... What are you going to be feeding this pour guy ???

Is the flooding clearing up yet .....


6 eggs today

4 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp a freezing cold 56F degrees no winds or clouds

Hey there! I am just curious about your set up. You always say control group/free range? Does your control group stay always cooped? Are they for breeding? Just wondering! It's interesting.

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