How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My 15 hens are free range and I feed them alot. I only get 5 or 6 eggs. I would like to get more. I don't know how old they are.

What are they eating??? If not eating layer feed, do they have oyster shell available? If you do not know their age, they may be too young, or they may even be older and not really gonna give you many eggs.
My 15 hens are free range and I feed them alot. I only get 5 or 6 eggs. I would like to get more. I don't know how old they are.

Have you tried keeping them in a run for a few days? Have you checked "everywhere"? They may be hiding eggs and need to be retrained to use the coop. But you probably need to clean up any stashes first to make sure they done return to the same spots
@penny 1960
Take a break with some soft drink. Hope @TJordan is doing too.
Eggs count: 31/37 and 8/10. One of my old chickens is looking doll today. I checked on her for crop infection or swollen abdomen but found no problem with her. Maybe is the high temp reaction/stress. Temp 34 degrees yesterday and 30 today.

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