How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Morning @ umarson pulled myself together enough to be
seen out in public about to care to the hens and pullets

decided against the second coop here as my one is big enough
and don't have to clean more than one....
March 26, 2016 thru April 2, 2016
Grand total of 109 eggs. Of course the incubator got "accidentally " turned on, so I had go go ahead and put 74 in there.
8/13 & 2/4. Guinea and Black Australorp pullets moved in with my Cochins just at dark. Hope this goes well, cross fingers please. Hope to move quail to the pen now open since the guineas and pullets are out. Not gotten started on brooder/quail pen still.
9/9...our first 100% day, good thing too because I've been giving a lot away and had company so I was running low.

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