How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Weird story I have to tell everyone what had happened today to my 3 week old chicks. It has been a cold and rainy day here in Iowa and I had my 3 week old chicks outside for a while. A few hours later I go out to see that they are all laying and a pile on their sides with their legs sticking straight out stiff and their eyes closed. I got them all rounded up and got them inside under a heat lamp to try to see if they were still alive. Right now they are all walking around like nothing happened and it was a normal day being a chicken

10 eggs

5 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free range chickens

1 goose egg

Temp 83F degrees and windy all day again

I got me some young boys coming over tomorrow to look for eggs and I do believe they will find more then 30 egg at least that is my perdition

@karenerwin, I sure wish I could get some Turkeys in that price range anyway I sure hope you get the coop as I am sure you would enjoy raising a big fat Turkey for Thanks giving and another for Christmas but I normally have a gander for Christmas and there is always a family member who brings a Turkey but my Goose grave always disappears long before the dinner is over and the funny part is I always bring several more galleons that I save up over the year ...

So do you get the grass cuttings from your friend as I would such a thing and When I see the yard maintenance personal at the school I ask for the bags of grace and my chickens geese and ducks really enjoy the fresh cut grass to eat and just to sit down as we haven't any growing here
I only use my own grass clippings. That way I know for sure that there aren't any chemicals or pesticides on it! I do want/need to get a bagger for my mower so it will be easier to just dump the grass clippings instead of trying to rake them & move them.

My friend called back & said that the lady had just sold her coop. The lady was amused that her coop had sat empty for 2 years and yet in the last week she had 3 different people that wanted it! So, I guess no turkeys for me right now. It's probably just as well. I will be going to California & Arizona to visit family in early June & my hubby is already worried about all the different coops & chickens he will have to take care of while I'm gone! He tells everyone that I have 10 coops!! I really only have 5 ( and 2 are very small, 1 of which is the one I just got from my other friend). When I go on vacation there should only be 4 coops in use. Of course that may depend on how many eggs hatch in 10 more days!!
So far no new attacks on my chickens!

I did get 19 eggs today!

10 eggs

5 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free range chickens
I really wish they would put their eggs where they belong

1 goose egg from the youngest goose I have and she is not even a year old and she is producing more eggs then the other three momma geese

Well I had three 6 year old boys over today and I told them I was going to play a little game called finding the eggs but not to move the eggs till I could take a picture of them and identify the eggs as I might want to leave the eggs in place well the boys agreed and all this in exchange for a hamburger fries and a soda how could I go wrong but the mommas had one stipulation no going under the barns as snakes might be under their and the sheds were fine and someone could get to them as a shed is much smaller and has more openings

Alright I was a bit shaky it seems and I did not see it till I put it on the computer and I was standing on a box and hunched over holding up some empty boxes to get this shot and the boys found the nest in one of the barns where the young pullets are so I guess it is time to put them up for sale and close of this area to them as it was hard for me but all play time for the boys and yes they picked up this batch ..

And best of all the boys were able to get these eggs out from this hiding place for me other wise it would have been a big job to move the 55 gallon drums but them boys just slid right back there and the hard part was getting them out as they wanted to make a fort back there but their mommies finally told them they were going to lunch with out them but not before walking off with three dozen eggs and I still have a pile of eggs to count that are sitting on top of the freezer ..

Oh the boys pulled out over thirty eggs from this hiding spot so there were a lot of eggs you cant see

Alright @karenerwin , sounds like you have enough coops to keep you busy for now maybe you need something to automatically water and feed your chickens so your hubby can go along with you or is that his excuse Ha, ha never mind no come back please .

Some of our chicks that are in the brooder oh how they grow

It is funny how fast these little guys move just look at the one in the upper left hand corner of the picture

Weird story I have to tell everyone what had happened today to my 3 week old chicks. It has been a cold and rainy day here in Iowa and I had my 3 week old chicks outside for a while. A few hours later I go out to see that they are all laying and a pile on their sides with their legs sticking straight out stiff and their eyes closed. I got them all rounded up and got them inside under a heat lamp to try to see if they were still alive. Right now they are all walking around like nothing happened and it was a normal day being a chicken

Shock of the rain?
Personally, I wouldn't have the 3wks out in the icky rain, but you could try to help dry them a little bit when they get in. That being said, even without rain mine will do that. They will also scoot their feet on the floor while laying down (it looks really odd, they will even rub their heads sometimes, they don't have mites or anything, they're just goofy chicks). Mine are practicing "dust bathing". My chicks last year did the same thing. They're all alive and thriving at almost a year old. First time they did it it really freaked me out, but now that I know what it is I wasn't phased at all this year by it (in fact, they're doing it as we speak, silly chicks).

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