How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/9 *88 today
poor chickens are hot. glad their coop is in the shade at least.

My coop is getting hot no shade at all :/ I have to figure something out before it hits the 90s. I ordered 3 battery operated o2cool fans, one for the coop, one for the mini run, and one for the larger run. They have covered areas in the run but the coop bakes in the sun. I need to put up a tarp or something
My coop is getting hot no shade at all
I have to figure something out before it hits the 90s. I ordered 3 battery operated o2cool fans, one for the coop, one for the mini run, and one for the larger run. They have covered areas in the run but the coop bakes in the sun. I need to put up a tarp or something
Yes a tarp is a great idea! And you are a good chicken parent for buying them fans. We have a huge electric fan-- it's like industrial or something. That fan is great at keeping mosquitos away when we are having a bonfire, keeps the smoke out of our faces, AND the chickens love it (wings and legs stretched out- happy birds). I also freeze fruit and herbs in a large bowl with water and give it to them when it gets soooooooo hot in the afternoons. They seem to like it!
Good luck keeping your girls cool and happy!
Aww @karenerwin that is always nice to be spending some time with the younger members of the family and I can attest that I can still remember the time I spent with my grandparents and what they said as if it were yesterday and I wish I was not so tired all the time so I could spend more days with the grandkids


8 eggs

4 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free range group

Temp 92F degrees and no winds so I guess the heat will be coming back .
I agree. I was lucky and got to spend a lot of time with my grandparents when I was growing up. I loved the time I got to spend with them. We don't get to spend a lot of time with our grandson, so I'm always happy when I get to. He loves watching my chickens! But so far doesn't want to go in the yard with them. Part of the problem is that our dog barks at him & he doesn't like loud, barking dogs!

14 eggs today.
They keep saying that my Mom will be transferred to an old folks home but the insurance
they have is very limited to here they will pay she use to have group health and when her
husband was passing they were fantastic giving 24/7 care for him in the home at the end
these guys suck big time.
I get so irritated with insurance companies!! I don't like how they seem to be able to outrule the doctors. It just doesn't make any sense to me. I hope your mom is able to get into a place where they treat her well.

My mom threw out her shoulder trying to sit up in bed. She has thrown it out about 8 times in the last year. It just pops out with little to no provocation.
I get so irritated with insurance companies!! I don't like how they seem to be able to outrule the doctors. It just doesn't make any sense to me. I hope your mom is able to get into a place where they treat her well.

My mom threw out her shoulder trying to sit up in bed. She has thrown it out about 8 times in the last year. It just pops out with little to no provocation.
They have her labeled as fall prone so she is belted in a chair like a seat belt at the waist
they finally stuck a catheter in her she has no control and was always wet in bed which I would got on em for
and am sure my Brother was making waves... Sad part is she had told us many times she did not want to live this way..
but her right to die is why they took the iv drips out.
The **** insurance is the worst of it with the infection she is contagious so she cant go to just
any old folks home which even narrows where she could be placed.
They have her labeled as fall prone so she is belted in a chair like a seat belt at the waist
they finally stuck a catheter in her she has no control and was always wet in bed which I would got on em for
and am sure my Brother was making waves... Sad part is she had told us many times she did not want to live this way..
but her right to die is why they took the iv drips out.
The **** insurance is the worst of it with the infection she is contagious so she cant go to just
any old folks home which even narrows where she could be placed.
My grandmother, when she was alive, had a stroke and they ended up putting her in the alzheimer's ward because that is what the insurance would pay for & it was the only available bed that her insurance would cover. My poor grandmother had full use of her brain (unlike the other patients in her unit). I remember going to visit her and a patient was wondering around naked. Others would wonder into her room and (try to) take my grandma's things or get very upset because "a stranger" was in "their" room ( when it wasn't even their room to start with). It wasn't the other patients fault, they were just doing the best they could. But it was a sad situation all around.
I'm glad that your brother & you are staying on top of things. Best of luck to you all!

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