How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

What breeds are your pink and aqua layers? The aqua looks flvery bright and beautiful as well. And that link does looks so purple!!! I'm totally drooling. Lol

The aqua egg-layer is an Ameraucana. The pink egg layer is a mixed breed. Mom is a black Australorp, father is mixed Ameraucana/Dominique. I thought she would lay olive eggs, but to my surprise she lays beautiful pink eggs, sometimes with white spots. I recently hatched some of her eggs and got the most beautiful chicks.
Week of July 17 thru July 23. I cleaned and refrigerated 82 eggs. I think I had lost another 3 due to being broken in the best box.

Got the best box problem taken care of.
8 out of 12. My girls are breaking personal records. My broody finally laid again giving mea total 1 big brown 4 big tan 2 small brown and 1 small green for the day. All the other ameraucanas are free loading slackers
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How many eggs per day are chickens supposed to lay? Someone tried to tell me that 2 eggs per day per chicken was the goal. My girls are a year old now, and lay consistent. 1 egg per chicken per day.

2 of my girls missed, when it was -40C, and I don't blame them.

But should they be producing more? I have Leghorns, and just got 8 Partridge Chanteclers. What should be my expectations? I have many sisters who want to buy my eggs...
I actually give treats of frozen watermelon thankfully we have 2 apple trees
and a very old pear tree full of fruit pop them in the freezer over night before giving them to the birds
I planted 3 apple trees this year & 3 peach trees. Hopefully we'll get fruit in the next couple of years & I can share with my chickens too. Great idea to freeze them overnight for a cool treat.
How many eggs per day are chickens supposed to lay? Someone tried to tell me that 2 eggs per day per chicken was the goal. My girls are a year old now, and lay consistent. 1 egg per chicken per day.

2 of my girls missed, when it was -40C, and I don't blame them.

But should they be producing more? I have Leghorns, and just got 8 Partridge Chanteclers. What should be my expectations? I have many sisters who want to buy my eggs...

Oh God no...
1 egg per day is the norm. It takes 25-27 hours for them to make an egg so if they lay more then 1 in a day they are doing double duty. I would go but weeks not days. It would be ideal to see 7 eggs a week (1 each day) but let's be real they need a break too. I would say anything 5 week or more is GREAT. 3-4 a week OKAY if you don't need a lot. Less then 3 a week EVALUATE YOUR OPTIONS.

I do have 2 hens that lay 7-8 days in a row, by far they are my best layers but honestly they also tend to be my ones constantly wanting to nest too. Most of my others lay 5-6 a week which is perfect for a constant reliable egg count. I have a few laying less but for now it's ok.
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