How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Well I get 9/9 from the Leghorns, with the occasional miss in extreme cold. Pampered pets, is what the husband calls them.

He loves watching chicken TV. Drags the chair out there to watch, and listen to them purr/coo, when he takes out the treats.

They love Saskatoons and Blueberries. Lol
How many eggs per day are chickens supposed to lay? Someone tried to tell me that 2 eggs per day per chicken was the goal. My girls are a year old now, and lay consistent. 1 egg per chicken per day.

2 of my girls missed, when it was -40C, and I don't blame them.

But should they be producing more? I have Leghorns, and just got 8 Partridge Chanteclers. What should be my expectations? I have many sisters who want to buy my eggs...

1 egg every 26 hours per hen. Some lay each day others skip a day and as you read these numbers, many factors come to play if and who lays that day (stress, heat, molt, other weather). On a rare occasion, you may have 2 a day fromantic the leg horn.
5 of 12 yesterday temperature hit 110. Also had to play chicken medic last night. One of the pullets got a thistle in her eye, it was pretty well inflamed and scratched up when I noticed it. But she send to be doing well and few hours later once we got it out and cleaned her up.
5 of 12 yesterday temperature hit 110. Also had to play chicken medic last night. One of the pullets got a thistle in her eye, it was pretty well inflamed and scratched up when I noticed it. But she send to be doing well and few hours later once we got it out and cleaned her up.
good you noticed that could take the eye out
How red do they get before they lay eggs? Golden Comets are the ones who are getting quite red in the face; we have 5 and the larger 2 have deepest red. 4 are 13 weeks old now. Is there any other visible signs it's soon and to look for? Other than the squatting. I haven't changed to Layer feed yet and won't till 16 wks.
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good you noticed that could take the eye out
thanks yeah I'm glad we caught it. My dog had one a few years back but it was to deep to find and we had to take her to the vet. The chicken look good today. A little bald on that side of her head but she's opening her eye like normal and seems to be fine.

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