How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8 eggs plus however many the barred rock is sitting on. She got off the nest this morning, so I grabbed the 3 eggs that shen was sitting on. Did not count those in today's egg count.
8 eggs plus however many the barred rock is sitting on. She got off the nest this morning, so I grabbed the 3 eggs that shen was sitting on. Did not count those in today's egg count.
Have not even made it out to the chickens this morning
next on the list had to take care of things making payments
this morning and other lists concerning Mom that was recently
placed in a assisted living home for dementia
Just curious when do you all go to collect your eggs? Or what would you say the best time is? I usually check between noon and two and find some.

I usually check on my chickens a few times a day, so I pick up eggs any time I'm out. Right now mine our usually done laying around 2 or 3 but I still do a check when I lock them up. Overall morning afternoon and evening
The aqua egg-layer is an Ameraucana. The pink egg layer is a mixed breed. Mom is a black Australorp, father is mixed Ameraucana/Dominique. I thought she would lay olive eggs, but to my surprise she lays beautiful pink eggs, sometimes with white spots. I recently hatched some of her eggs and got the most beautiful chicks.

Oooh! Oooh give me one please please! What color of an Ameracauna is she? Would love to see her babies.


I wanted to show off this girl. I was trying to get a pic of the comb of one of her sisters. But this one I just love her colors. She's a hatchery ameraucana lays green eggs. I don't know if she'll ever get a her red she's been laying about a month now. But I love the lavender she has in her tail and under feathers

Shea beautiful but doesn't look like and ameracauna to me but an EE especially with the green eggs. She's pretty I have a girl that looks like her myself named Pebbles. Also unless my phone has skewed the color her tail feathers are considered blue for a chicken lavender is a bit different.

Below is a picture of a lavender(self blue) OEGB and a picture of a blue silkie mix


Just curious when do you all go to collect your eggs? Or what would you say the best time is? I usually check between noon and two and find some.

Well everyone has a different answer for this. We usually check 3-4 times a day sometimes more rarely less. I will say that as an asmathic it has been harder with the heat and the humidity to go check them as often as I usually do. Our birds also get fresh water as needed and on hot days may get it three times a day in pails under the hydrants. The usual large waterers are filled once a day or more if necessary or desired. The birds givent the choice prefer the pails anyways though I've never figured out why if they've both been freshly cleaned and filled.

Well ladies and gents only three eggs tody, what a drag. We do have a new layer though. I am pretty sure I know who it is. This heat is really dragging down the flock.

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