How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterday was 18!!! A full 18!!! Now one is cracked and a few were on the floor so are a bit dirty but I don't care! We've been getting 4-8 eggs most days between pullets and molt and now just finally got in the last three days 10, 9 and then 18 eggs! That's more than we've had in months it also ties I believe with our best number of last year. :) we'll see what today brings!

1 egg

I found the reason I am not finding any eggs as I was checking the chickens coop at noon and there were several egg shells on the floor and the four month old turkey were sucking them dry

Temp today was only 102F degrees
Oooh, that sneaky turkey! Can you keep him/her out of the egg laying area? Man, if it's not crows, it's turkeys! Hopefully your egg count will improve now that you know what is going on.

10 eggs today.

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